
My Real Estate Pet Hates

My Real Estate Pet Hates

This episode is about all of the things in the real estate community that piss me off. From investors consulting clickbait on social media to predatorial real estate agents giving themselves fake awards, we are going to talk about everything that is wrong with the real estate industry that you need to know about as a property investor. Hopefully, after listening to this you will be able to avoid some of the most common pitfalls that property investors fall into during their wealth-building journey.

On this YouTube Episode

3:08– Why I hate clickbait

7:23– Stop asking your friends for investment advice

9:27– Beware of the fear-based listing

16:41– Are buyer’s agents really qualified?

22:29– Fake awards

27:20– Don’t invest in real estate without professional advice

32:21– Why venture capitalists are not worth your time

38:08– Bad onsite managers will kill your investment


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And remember, I’m really good on 1.25 or 1.5 speed 🙂

Don’t hesitate to hit me up on Facebook @SamSaggers. DM me any of your questions 🙂

Take care, Sam

My Real Estate Pet Hates

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The Best Home Loan for Property Investors

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The post My Real Estate Pet Hates appeared first on Positive Real Estate.

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